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A Detailed Insight on Causes and Symptoms of Piles

Are you suffering from bleeding around your anus for some days? Don't get any tension. As this is the main symptom of growing Piles consult your physician for Piles treatment. This may appear for many causes. Ayurveda claims that this disease occurs due to the lifestyle. According to modern research few factors are common in the patient of Piles like late food timing, unhealthy diet, incomplete sleep, stress etc. If these symptoms are noticed in you then you should consult an expert doctor for Piles treatment. Many treatment processes are available according to your symptoms. Only an expert doctor can advise you what piles treatment will suit you after examining your symptoms. Let us discuss various types of causes and the symptoms of Piles.
Causes of Piles
Modern research says that persons of any age group may need Piles treatment and it has no particular reason. This disease can appear mainly in elderly people especially, in women during their pregnancy period. Extreme abdominal pressure causes rupture of veins and it creates the irritation. The pressure may be caused by sitting or standing for long periods, pregnancy, sneezing, obesity, coughing, vomiting and holding your breath at the time of excessive physical labor.
Diet has a vital role in Piles. So as a home remedy controlling diet is the best method for Piles treatment. The men who take always a high fibrous diet they have less chance to grow Piles as because the fiber is a part of Piles treatment. But who likes to eat processed foods they have high risks to get Piles. A low fibrous diet or inadequate liquid can create constipation which has the main contribution in developing Piles. In one word, the main cause of Piles is increased pressure in the blood vessels around the anus. This pressure may cause the blood vessels become inflamed and swollen.
Symptoms of Piles
Piles can be felt by any individual externally around the anus. Along with pain at the anus, there are many other mark able symptoms which may be experienced by an individual.
Round the anus, a hard lump may be felt which is made up of coagulated blood. This lump is called external hemorrhoid. Itchiness around the anus may be felt with a painful sensation. During bowel emptying, mucus discharge occurs. An individual can feel that bowels are full and need to go to the toilet just after returning from the toilet. Bright red blood may be shown on every movement of bowel. Tremendous pain is felt during the defecting period. Most of the area around the anus have sore and looks red. On feeling these one take proper Piles treatment immediately.
These are the symptoms which can be felt and visible from outside the anus, the same type of things occur in internal anus line also which is not visible. Like the external hemorrhoids, there may be internal hemorrhoids too and this needs an immediate Piles treatment.
If you suspect piles then don't hide it from all because without proper Piles treatment it can be a chronic disease. If you have ever seen the above mention symptoms then consult your physician. He can advise you the perfect method of Piles treatment depending on the state of difficulty.
Rangoli Ayurveda is one of the top leading piles clinic in Kolkata, providing ayurvedic piles treatment without any side effects. Call: 03364512300 for appointment

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