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Elephant cries after seeing others slaughtered in saddest Christmas advert ever made

Elephant cries after seeing others slaughtered in saddest Christmas advert ever

This advert of an elephant crying may be one of the saddest Christmas adverts ever produced..
The highly emotionally charged clip challenges the UK Government’s view that animals aren’t sentient beings and Donald Trump’s view that hunting ‘trophies’ should be allowed.
It was produced by the World Wildlife Fund as part of their Just Like Us campaign.

It is a stark contrast to the monster under the bed advert from John Lewis and the carrot running for freedom from Aldi.
The video shows an elephant crying as it sees one of its herd gunned down by poachers for its tusks.

Elephant cries after seeing others slaughtered in saddest Christmas advert ever
The World Wildlife Fund created the advert using CGI to show an elephant crying (Picture: WWF)
The Christmas advert that really will make you cry: WWF releases harrowing footage of elephant's tears
The number of elephants being killed is higher than the number being born putting elephants at risk of exctinction (Picture: WWF)

The film uses CGI to portray events across the Savannah and it is hoped it will pull on people’s heartstrings to get behind the cause to end the illegal trade.
Tanya Steele, WWF chief executive, said: ‘Like all of us, elephants vary in many characteristics, emotions and personalities.
‘The impact of poaching not only threatens the future of elephants, but it is strongly felt among them and leaves a lasting impression. Time and time again we see elephants grieve for those tragically killed.’
The charity says that more elephants are being poached that are being born because their tusks are in such high demand.

The Christmas advert that really will make you cry: WWF releases harrowing footage of elephant's tears
Their tusks are in high demand for trinkets and ornaments (Picture: WWF)
The Christmas advert that really will make you cry: WWF releases harrowing footage of elephant's tears
Poachers are killing more elephants than are currently being born (Picture: WWF)

They are used to make trinkets and ornaments that go on to fetch ‘huge sums of money’.
WWF say on their website: ‘Ending the illegal wildlife trade is one of the most important and urgent parts of our work.
‘The support of our members helps our work with TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network.
‘Together, we’re helping train rangers and law enforcers, deploying new technology, working with local communities, tackling consumer demand for wildlife products, and working with governments to change legislations.
‘The illegal wildlife trade is a huge international organised crime, and the methods used by poachers and smugglers are becoming more and more sophisticated. It’s threatening to undo decades of conservation work.’

The Christmas advert that really will make you cry: WWF releases harrowing footage of elephant's tears
Ivory can be sold for huge sums of money, the charity says (Picture: WWF)
The Christmas advert that really will make you cry: WWF releases harrowing footage of elephant's tears
They want people to help end the illegal trade (Picture: WWF)

The Christmas advert that really will make you cry: WWF releases harrowing footage of elephant's tears
Methods used by poachers and smugglers is becoming increasingly sophisticated (Picture: WWF)

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